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スポーツグーフ ?? | MLB ⚾ | NBA ?? | NFL ?? | NHL ?? | レスリング ????‍♂️ | ゲーム ??

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Sports talk that’s not mainstream. Leave that to normie places like radio & ESPN. This is sports talk for those who aren’t normies. Hosted by Francisco with his 2 buddies from law school Andrew & Charles, the Goofs riff on sports & go on tangents to talk food, games, & entertainment. We mainly stick to college football, NFL, MLB, NHL & NBA. Every week we highlight a forgotten player, a hall of famer, a woman in sports, a minor league team, & a foreign team. We shout out a Real MVP & call out a Gottlieb Goon. We end every show with wrestling talk on WWE, AEW, New Japan, etc.

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