A performer employed by an agent will chat and earn points, in which 70% points will be paid as sales to the agent less service fee of 30%.*
Point setting per performer is available in FC2 Live. Flexible point setting according to the agent's management style is possible!
Agent registration is free for individuals and business.
Immediately register with only a FC2 account and bank account. Any bank can be selected, however depending on the bank, intermediary bank(may be subject to extra fee) or foreign transaction might not be supported. For details, please inquire the bank about foreign wire transfer from America.
Registration is completed once the application form is submitted, so immediate business is possible.
Points will automatically be redeemed through wire transfer.
If the total acquired points is more than the minimum points for wire at the closing date, the point will be paid within a month from the acquried points. (Wire on 25th of same month for closing date on 15th, 10th of next month for closing date on 25th) However, if less than minimum, since the points will be carried-over, it will take more than a month. *Minimum wire point is the minimum point required for a wire to be performed, which the agent can freely adjust.
If the wire amount of the acquired point is above 500,000 the fee is waived, but if its lower, there will be a fee of 10,000 points. If wire tranfser fails 3 times due to an error in information provided by agent, a fee of approximately $100 will be added to the agent for every failure afterward.
All acquired points of performers will be credited to the agent. The sales will be paid to the agent. Performer shall be rewarded by the agent.
Anyone from individuals or business can register as agent. There are no difference in fee between individual or business.
FC2 accounts are required for performers. Performer account can be created through the agent's management page.
Please prepare a separate account for agent, if an account for broadcast is being used. If broadcast and agent account is the same, any points acquired through broadcast will not be added to the agent, and is not subject to automatic wire transfer. A redeem process is necessary through FC2ID.
In order to add the broadcast earning to agent(=subject to automatic wire), change setting so broadcast account is a performer affiliated to the agent. FC2 will process the configuration so please inquire through mail form.
After setting performer, "reward point" and "redeemable point" within the broadcast account will be "0pt”.